Songs for Circle Time in the Classroom

Songs for Kindergarten, Songs for Preschool

Songs for Circle Time in the Classroom


Join us for circle time! 


We’ve put together a playlist of over 20 songs for  kids ages 0-6 to enjoy. 


These songs include kindyRock favorites and encourage fine and gross motor skills, positive reinforcement, listening skills, counting and math language, animal songs, and more! 



This playlist can also be found here on Spotify!


Here’s a look at the songs included!


Start Circle Time right with a short, but fun Hello!


Simple Movement Songs!


-Sit On the Mat and Clap

-My Teddy’s Got the Wiggles

-Wibble Wobble


Fun counting Songs!


-5 Cheeky Monkeys

-5 Stars Shining 

-5 Yellow Ducks 


Animal Songs!


-Fred the Frog

-Grandad’s Farm

-Here is the Beehive

-Sidney the Snake


Positive Affirmation Songs


-I am Amazing with a Capital A

-I am Happy


And More!


-Granny’s in the Kitchen

-Haere Mai – bilingual song for kids

-It’s Cold Outside

-Muddy Clothes

-My Little Hands

-Zippity Zap

-Zoom Zoom Zoom


Then wrap up your kindyRockin’ Circle Time by saying Goodbye!


We hope you enjoyed this playlist – be on the lookout for more and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram!