by kindyRock | May 19, 2021 | Kids and Music, Learning Activities, Song Collections, Songs for Kindergarten, Songs for Preschool, Using props with music
During the warmer weather, your child may start noticing new things in the world around them – including insects like bees and butterflies! Here is the Beehive is a great way to introduce our pollinator friends to small children! Help toddlers and...
by Kelcie Strong | May 19, 2021 | Kids and Music, Song Collections, Songs for Babies, Songs for Kindergarten, Songs for Preschool, Songs for Toddlers
Navigating feelings in small children is no small feat. Kids often don’t have the vocabulary built yet to fully express their feelings. One of the beautiful things about music is that it can help children express their feelings through tempo, genre, lyrics, and...
by kindyRock | Apr 21, 2021 | Songs for Kindergarten, Songs for Preschool
Songs for Circle Time in the Classroom Join us for circle time! We’ve put together a playlist of over 20 songs for kids ages 0-6 to enjoy. These songs include kindyRock favorites and encourage fine and gross motor skills, positive...
by kindyRock | Mar 16, 2021 | Using Music to Develop Skills, Songs for Kindergarten, Songs for Preschool, Songs for Toddlers, Using props with music
Using instruments is a great way to add some fun and another dimension to musical learning. Traditional instruments can be expensive adding extra costs that might not work for your home, school, or classroom budget. The good news is that this gives you the...
by kindyRock | Feb 2, 2021 | Kids and Music, Songs for Babies, Songs for Kindergarten, Songs for Preschool, Songs for Toddlers
This simple hello song for kids to sing along with is the perfect start to a kindyRock musical learning session and to say hello to your playgroup or classroom! Not only is it a fun way to start the day, it also brings a sense of inclusiveness to the group and...
by kindyRock | Jan 19, 2021 | Kids and Music, Songs for Kindergarten, Songs for Preschool
Children need to learn and develop so many skills at an early age. Since there is a lot of learning to be had, why not try and make it fun? We love coming up with new and exciting ways to incorporate learning with music. Bean bags: what are they? Beanbags can vary...